Home » AFKManager – A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2.

AFKManager – A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2.

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[CS2] AFK Manager

A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2 based on player-checker by sazonische from CS:GO


Config File located in /addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/AFKManager with Settings:

  • AfkPunishAfterWarnings: Number of warnings to issue before Punishment type (set to 0 to disable AFK feature).
  • AfkPunishment: Punishment type (0 – kill, 1 – kill + move to spectator, 2 – kick).
  • AfkWarnInterval: Issue a warning every X seconds for AFK.
  • SpecWarnInterval: Issue a warning every X seconds for AFK at SPEC.
  • SpecKickAfterWarnings: Kick the player after X warnings are issued (set to 0 to disable).
  • SpecKickMinPlayers: Minimum number of players required to kick.
  • SpecKickOnlyMovedByPlugin: Only check players in spectator mode who were moved by AFK Manager.
  • SpecSkipFlag: Skip players in spectator mode with this flag during AFK verification.
  • AfkSkipFlag: Skip players with this flag during AFK verification.
  • AntiCampSkipFlag: Skip players with this flag during AntiCamp verification.
  • PlaySoundName: Play a sound after a warning is issued (leave empty to disable).
  • SkipWarmup: Skip checks during warmup.
  • AntiCampRadius: Distance check in units.
  • AntiCampPunishment: Punishment type for camping (0 – slay, 1 – slap).
  • AntiCampSlapDamage: Damage dealt by slap (set to 0 for no damage).
  • AntiCampWarnInterval: Issue a warning every X seconds for camping.
  • AntiCampPunishAfterWarnings: Punish the player after X warnings for camping (set to 0 to disable AntiCamp feature).
  • AntiCampSkipBombPlanted: Skip camping checks if the bomb is planted (set to true to enable).
  • AntiCampSkipTeam: Skip camping checks for a specific team (2 – Terrorists, 3 – Counter-Terrorists).
  • Timer: Adjust the timer for player checks.




K4ryuu – Helping with config file and other things before CSS’s config implementation.

xstage – Helping with the “changeTeam” function before CSS version ~90 in order to properly move players to SPEC.

sazonische – player-checker

B3none – Plugin ideas.

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