Home » SLAYER_Noscope – Disable Scope of Scope Weapons

SLAYER_Noscope – Disable Scope of Scope Weapons

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This is my first plugin for CounterStrikeSharp. This plugin disables Scope of Scope Weapons like AWP, scout, etc.


1. Upload files to your server.

2. Edit configs/plugins/SLAYER_Noscope/SLAYER_Noscope.json if you want to change the settings.

3. Change the Map or Restart the Server or Load the Plugin.


1. Allow Players to Noscope by the player command !ns

2. Allow Admin (with specific Flag) to Force Players to Noscope.

3. Players Can’t use the command to Enable/Disable Scope when Admin forces them to Noscope.

4. Show Text in Chat when Players/Admin Turn On/Off Scope

5. Support Bullet Tracers


!ns - For Everyone to Enable/Disable Scope on themselves (Scope will always be disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)
!noscope - For Root Admin to Enable/Disable Scope for all Players (Scope will always disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)
css_noscope - For RCON (Console) to Enable/Disable Scope for all Players (Scope will always disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)


  "PluginEnabled": true,                // Enable/Disable Noscope plugin. (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)
  "AlwaysDisableScope": false,          // Always Disable Scope in the Server. (false = No, true = Yes)
  "PlayerCanUseNsCmd": true,            // Players Can use Noscope Command (!ns) to Enable/Disable Scope on themselves (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
  "ShowYouCantScopeMsg": true,          // Show Message When player try to Scope (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
  "BulletTracers": true,                // Enable/Disable Bullet Tracers. (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)
  "AdminFlagtoForceNS": "@css/root",    // Admin flag Which can Enable/Disable Scope of All Players by CMD (!noscope)
  "ConfigVersion": 1                    // Don't Change this
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