Home » [Source 2009, CS:GO] Stamm 2.28 – VIP Level Ranking

[Source 2009, CS:GO] Stamm 2.28 – VIP Level Ranking

Stamm 2.28 Final by dordnung
Stamm is a very powerful VIP plugin for CSS, TF2, CS:GO and DOD:S.
When players have enough points, they reach different levels with different extra features.

Current News:

Stamm is not supported currently. This is because it is a huge project and i can’t handle it alone currently. If you want to help i would be really thankful if you make a pull request on github!

Please post here in englishnot in german!


With Stamm players gain points with rounds and/or kills and/or playtime. When they reached a certain point limit they rise up to the next level and achieve features.

The levels are specified by you, you can set up to 100 different levels.

Stamm is available in english and german, but you can change the language files to your own language (You can also post them here and i will integrate the files).

I provide a lot of features with Stamm (For a overview over all features see below).

Also it is possible to run stamm with a MySQL database, so you can save the points online or to run all your servers with one database.

More Features ( Thats not all  ):

  • Players can switch their features on and off
  • Level up sound
  • Top 10 display of VIPs
  • Own rank display
  • A lot of the commands are changeable
  • Minimum players on server to count points
  • Ingame overview over all features
  • Detailed admin menu
  • Really powerful API
  • Morecolors support on Source 2009 Games
  • Choose the Chat Tag
  • Auto Updater
  • Information text when getting points
  • Private levels for example for admins
  • Inactive players are losing points
  • Build in happy hour function

To start Happy Hour automatically use my Cronjob Plugin and write in your cronjob.txt:

00 21 * * * console stamm_start_happyhour 3600 2

This would start Happy Hour every day at 9 o’clock PM and would stop it at 10 o’clock PM


You can script your own features, therefore Stamm has a really powerful API.
In my detailed Wiki you can learn how to make a feature. It’s easier as you think 😉

When you have questions or found mistakes, ask me, i look forward to each new feature!

Admin Menu:

The admin menu gives you the ability to do the following things:

  • Add points to players
  • Reset a players points
  • Start and Stop Happy Hour
  • Load and Unload Features

Feature List:

With Stamm you can choose which feature you want, they are located in addons/sourcemod/plugins/stamm
Currently available features: 42

Here you can see a overview over all Features integrated with Stamm

Stamm Console Commands (RCON):

There are 10 Commands to use with the console, so you can set the players points, load or unload features or start/stop the Happy Hour.

Here you can see a overview over all Commands.

Stamm Webinterface with Paypal:

When you save your points with MySQL you can use my Stamm Webinterface.

There you can see the rank, points, level and more information about the players on your server.

Also you can setup PayPal payments, so your players can buy stamm points.

See here how to install the Webinterface

Stamm Installation:

First of all: It’s not so easy to setup Stamm, but i tried my best to make it as simple as possible.

There is a huge Wiki for you about how Stamm works and how to install it.

Start here and work through the Wiki.



  • File: Plugins • 5 MB • 94 Downloads
  • File: Plugins2 • 5 MB • 95 Downloads
  • File: Stamm • 233 kB • 93 Downloads
  • File: WebInterface • 591 kB • 98 Downloads

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