SM Parachute
Version: 2.5
Author: SWAT_88
1.0 First version, should work on basically any mod
1.1 Linear fallspeed added.
1.2 Key assignment amended
1.3 Added +use Button support. No keybinding required!
Fixed some bugs in linear Flight mode:
You dont stay hanging on the wall.
You don’t bounce when you touch the ground.
You dont have Gravity 0.1 when you jump holding the E button.
1.4 Fixed a serious bug:
Maxplayers are now correctly counted.
1.5 Added new features:
- Information, welcome and status messages in Chat, Panel or BottomCenterText!
- Buy Parachute and Sell Parachute added ! (CS ONLY)
- Translations added !
- Works on basically any mod !
1.6 Model Added!
1.7 Added new features:
Fixed another bug in linear Flight mode.
Linear Flight mode should be bugfree now!
Added Cvar for model display.
1.7b Fixed some bugs:
Fixed a small bug in checking the model.
Added a better check for Parachute ending.
1.7c Fixed a stupid bug in HandleSay.
1.8 Added new features:
Fixed a bug in OnPlayerDisconnect.
Changed /bp /sp to !bp !sp
Realistic velocity-decrease.
More detailed model textures.
Added a new parachute.
1.9 Added new features:
Added a new button: Space
Added automatic button change for TF2.
2.0 Fixed some bugs:
in RoundMsg
in Chat Commands
2.5 Fixed this error: “Can’t create physics object for model/parachute/parachute_carbon.mdl”.
If you are running a TF2 server you should install the latest SM Snapshot.
If cost = 0 then everybody has a parachute.
To use your parachute press and hold your E(+use)/Space(+jump) button while falling.
If you are running a TF2 server the button will automatically change to Space.
I checked whether cstrike is running or not, so dont be afraid of crashing the plugin in another Mod, It’s safe!!!
To change the model you have to edit the global variables for the names. Afterwards recompile sm_parachute.sp. Here is a tutorial.
To change the texture you have to recompile the smd and change its content. Here is the Model source.
Press E(+use) to slow down your fall.
No more binding Keys!
Write !bp or !buy_parachute in Chat to buy a parachute (Only if cost > 0) !
Write !sp or !sell_parachute in Chat to sell your parachute (Only if cost > 0) !
sm_parachute_enabled “1” – 0: disables the plugin – 1: enables the plugin
sm_parachute_fallspeed “100” – speed of the fall when you use the parachute
sm_parachute_linear “1” – 0: disables linear fallspeed -1: enables it
sm_parachute_msgtype “1” – 0: disables Information -1: Chat -2: Panel -3: BottomCenter
sm_parachute_cost “0” – cost of the parachute (CS ONLY) (If cost = 0 then free for everyone)
sm_parachute_payback “75” – how many percent of the parachute cost you get when you sell your parachute (ie. 75% of 1000 = 750$)
sm_parachute_welcome “1” – 0: disables Welcome Message -1: enables it
sm_parachute_roundmsg “1” – 0: disables Round Message – 1: enables it
sm_parachute_model “1” – 0: dont use the model – 1: display the Model
sm_parachute_decrease “50” – 0: dont use Realistic velocity-decrease – x: sets the velocity-decrease.
sm_parachute_button “1” – 1: uses button +USE for parachute usage. – 2: uses button +JUMP.
- CS: Global Offensive Version – by Sheepdude
- With CS:GO support.
- For more information look here
- Parachute for Admins/Donors – by Sheepdude
- With CS:GO support.
- For more information look here
- Gravity Support Version – by eladnava
- Remembers the gravity of the player before pressing “E” and sets it back after releasing “E”.
- For more information look here
- Gravity Fix and Teleport Fix – by CoMaNdO
- Parachute without using teleport & without using gravity.
- For more information look here
- Nuclear Dawn Version – by yedpodtrzitko
- In Nuclear Dawn, one of the playable classes can be invisible. This patch wont show the parachute in given situation.
- For more information look here
- Client Language Version – by GrO
- Using the client language for translations instead of server language.
- For more information look here
Available models:
- parachute_carbon (Standard) Thanks to CYoung
- parachute_green_v2
- parachute_ice_v2
- parachute_blue
- How to change the model?
- How to install the model?
- How to get a working model in TF2. Thanks to crazychicken
Supported Languages:
- en (English)
- Attached
- en (English US) – Thanks to hamilton5
- Get it here
- de (German)
- Attached
- fr (French) – Thanks to eric0279
- Attached
- nl (Dutch) – Thanks to MiguelFP
- Attached
- pl (Polish) – Thanks to GPhoenix97
- Get it here
- hu (Hungarian) – Thanks to KeepCalm
- Get it here
- es (Spanish) – Thanks to Sarona
- Get it here
Look at the attached sm_parachute_phases.txt File for the latest translations.
If you write a Translation post it in this thread.
Setup (SourceMod):
Install the smx file to addons\sourcemod\plugins.
Install the translation file to addons\sourcemod\translations
(Re)Load Plugin or change Map.
- Nothing.
Everybody can edit this plugin and copy this plugin.
Thanks to:
I’m a student and code this plugins in my freetime, while you probably play games
If you like my work, kindly make a donation via PayPal.
Feel free to donate whatever amount you like.Thank you for supporting this plugin!
Don’t forget to support SourceMod too.
Consider: Without SourceMod none of these plugins would exist!