Home » Advanced Commands (0.16)

Advanced Commands (0.16)


  • User commands:
    • sm_admins – Shows admins, which are online
  • CS:S
    • sm_cash <target> <[+/-]amount> – Сhanges amount of target’s cash
    • sm_nv <target> <0/1> – Target’s nightvision
    • sm_defuser <target> <0/1> – Target’s defuser
    • sm_knives – same as sm_melee
    • sm_respawn <target> – Respawns target (N/A for HL2:MP)
    • sm_setmodel <target> <model> – Set target’s model (be careful, it can cause server crash!)
  • sm_disarm <target> – Removes all items from target
  • sm_melee – Remove all weapons, except melee (slot 0 for HL2:MP, 2 for CS:S) from all clients. I don’t know what weapon slot is melee in other games, so i suggested default – 2.
  • sm_equip <weapon> – Remove all weapons, except melee from all clients and give them a weapon.
  • sm_bury/sm_unbury <target> – Bury/unbury target
  • sm_hp <target> <[+/-]amount> – Changes health of target
  • sm_armour <target> <[+/-]amount> – Changes armour of target (with helmet for CS:S if amount not null)
  • sm_give <target> <item> – Gives item to target (note: You can use awp instead of weapon_awp e.g.)
  • sm_speed <target> <multiplier> – Changes player’s movement speed
  • sm_frags <target> <[+/-]amount> – Changes amount of target’s frags
  • sm_deaths <target> <[+/-]amount> – Changes amount of target’s deaths
  • sm_team <target> <team index> – Changes player’s team
  • sm_teamswap – Swaps teams with their scores
  • sm_spec <target> – Moves player to spectator
  • sm_swap <target> – Swaps player’s team
  • sm_lswap <target> – Swaps player’s team later (on death or round end)
  • sm_exch <target1> <target2> – Exchanges players in teams
  • sm_lexch <target1> <target2> – Exchanges players in teams later (on death or round end)
  • sm_balance – Balance teams
  • sm_shuffle – Shuffle players in teams
  • sm_exec <target> <command> – Execute command on client
  • sm_fexec <target> <command> – Fake command execution on client (FakeClientCommandEx)
  • sm_getloc <target> – Prints location of target
  • sm_saveloc [x] [y] [z] – Save location (if no params – current location)
  • sm_teleport <target> [x|other target] [y] [z] – Teleports player
  • sm_blink [target] – Teleports player to aiming position
  • sm_god <target> <0/1> – Target’s godmode
  • sm_extend <min> – Extend map
  • sm_rr [sec] – Restart game
  • sm_shutdown [sec] – Shuts down the server and forces all clients to retry connection
  • sm_showmotd <target> – Shows motd for target
  • sm_url <target> <url> – Opens url for target (in motd panel)
  • sm_getmodel <target> – Prints model name, used by player
  • sm_drop <target> <weapon> – Drop weapon from player
  • sm_dropslot <target> <slot> – Drop weapon from player’s slot


  • sm_adv_version – Version
  • sm_adv_admin_flags <a..z> – Set of admin flags, which allows admin vision
  • sm_adv_admin_immunity <val> – Minimum admin immunity, which grants protection against balancing (0 to disable)
  • sm_adv_admin_list 0..3 – Enable sm_admins command (admin list, 1 – generic, 2 – roots)
  • sm_adv_admin_vision 0..15 – Enable admin vision (for: 1 – admins, 2 – fake clients, 4 – all, when sv_alltalk 1, 8 – all)
  • sm_adv_banlog 0..7 – Enable ban logging (1 – log bans, 2 – log unbans, 4 – log console too)
  • sm_adv_connect_announce 0..3 – Enable connect announce (1 – humans, 2 – bots)
  • sm_adv_log 0/1 – Log actions
  • sm_adv_mapcfg 0/1 – Enable mapconfigs (create folder cfg/mapcfg/ and put there your configs with names like de_dust2.cfg). Executes after map changes (after server.cfg and sourcemod.cfg)
  • sm_adv_me 0/1 – Enable /me trigger (irc-like)
  • sm_adv_motd <url> – Url to motd page (if empty server’s motd will be shown)
  • sm_adv_notify <val> – Player notiications (1 – move,2 – spawn protection,15 – notify in hint)
  • sm_adv_silent 0/1 – Suppress all notifications (if 0 actions will be notified using sm_show_activity)
  • sm_adv_spawn_protection <sec> – Enable spawn protection for sec seconds (0 to disable)
  • sm_adv_round_protection – Protect players between rounds
  • ——————————————————————
  • sm_adv_autoteambalance 0/1 – Enable automatic team balance (WARNING: present only when mp_autoteambalance is not exist)
  • sm_adv_limitteams <#> – Max # of players 1 team can have over another (WARNING: present only when mp_limitteams is not exist)

Additional features:

  • say rules – Shows server’s MOTD.
  • say /me message – IRC-style /me messages
  • Connect announce (name,SteamID,Country)
  • Spawn protection (godmode) with glow colors (R/B/G) while protected
  • Round end protection
  • All-chat mode, when sv_alltalk is 1
  • Auto team balance on round_end (for CS:S) or player_death (for other, only dead players moves), controlled by mp_autoteambalance and mp_limitteams.
  • Some commands, such as swap,lswap,exch,lexch,balance,shuffle,teawswa p,extend and shutdown are accessible from admin menu
  • Ban logging – who, whom, when, why, how long



  • File: advcommands • 63 kB • 107 Downloads
  • File: adminmenu_custom • 12 kB • 90 Downloads

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