Home » NameChecker-cs2 –

NameChecker-cs2 –

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A plugin for automatically checking player nicknames for forbidden words.


  • Kick a player if there are forbidden words in his nickname
  • Replacement of the player’s nickname if there are forbidden words in his nickname
  • Replacing the link in the player’s name with your own (By domain)
  • The translation file


  • "PluginMode": 0 – 0 – kick mode | 1 – replace the name with a random word from namesToReplace.txt | 2 – Link replacement (Works by domain) | 3 – Modes 0 and 2 together
  • "KickTime": 10 – Time to kick the player in seconds for "PluginMode" 0 and 3
  • "PluginSiteReplace": "example.com" – The link to which the link in the player’s nickname will be replaced for "PluginMode" 2 and 3
  • names.txt – Banned names. For "PluginMode" 0, 1, 3
  • namesToReplace.txt – The words that the name will be replaced with. For "PluginMode" 1
  • whitelist.txt – exceptions for "PluginMode" 2 and 3


CounterStrikeSharp Tested on v140

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