Home » LemonUI: Open Source UI Library 1.7

LemonUI: Open Source UI Library 1.7

LemonUI is a framework for creating UI systems in Grand Theft Auto V that is compatible with SHVDN2, SHVDN3 and FiveM. It allows you to create UI Elements with a NativeUI-like style, or you can also create your own UI System from scratch via the resolution-independant classes for Text, Rectangles and Textures.

It was created as a replacement for NativeUI due to being too convoluted to develop and maintain. LemonUI retains most (if not all) of the UI Elements available in NativeUI.

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Source Codehttps://github.com/justalemon/LemonUI (under MIT License)
Feature Requests & Bug Reportshttps://github.com/justalemon/LemonUI/issues
Full Changeloghttps://github.com/justalemon/LemonUI/releases



  • File: LemonUI • 385 kB • 147 Downloads

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