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CS2-VipManager –

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CS2 VIP Manager

Plugin for CS2 that stores admins in mysql and apply permissions on the game


  1. Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source;
  2. Download CS2-VipManager;
  3. Unzip the archive and upload it into csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins;


The config is created automatically. (Path: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/VipManager)

  "Version": 7,
  "CooldownRefreshCommandSeconds": 60,
  "DateFormat": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
  "TimeZone": -3,
  "ShowWelcomeMessageConnectedPublic": true,
  "ShowWelcomeMessageConnectedPrivate": true,
  "ShowWelcomeMessageDisconnectedPublic": true,
  "ServerID": 1,
  "Database": {
    "Host": "",
    "Port": 3306,
    "User": "",
    "Password": "",
    "Name": "",
    "PrefixVipManager": "vip_manager",
    "PrefixTestVip": "vip_manager_testvip",
    "PrefixGroups": "vip_manager_groups"
  "VipTest": {
    "VipTestTime": 10, // 0 - disabled
    "VipTestGroup": "vip" // empty - disabled
  "Commands": {
    "AddPrefix": "vm_add",
    "AddPermission": "@css/root",
    "RemovePrefix": "vm_remove",
    "RemovePermission": "@css/root",
    "ReloadPrefix": "vm_reload",
    "ReloadPermission": "@css/root",
    "TestPrefix": "vm_test",
    "TestPermission": "",
    "StatusPrefix": "vm_status",
    "StatusPermission": "@css/reservation"
  "Groups": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "OverwriteMainFile": true // True = will overwrite admins_group.json located at addons/counterstrikesharp/configs
  "ConfigVersion": 7


  • css_vm_add [steamid64] [group] [time (minutes) | 0 (permanent)] [server_id (default is ServerID || 0 = All)] – Adds an admin; (#css/admin group is required for use)
  • css_vm_remove [steamid64] [group] – Remove an admin; (#css/admin group is required for use)
  • css_vm_reload – Reloads the configuration; (#css/admin group is required for use)
  • css_vm_status – Check your admins roles time left; (#css/vip group is required for use)
  • css_vm_test – Claim a vip test for “X” minutes;
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