Stretto – Music player with Youtube/Soundcloud import and iTunes/Spotify discovery. (Demo, Clients) MIT
Go to Stretto, or if you would like to host it yourself, scroll down to the developer instructions.
How does Stretto work?
Stretto works by backing every single one of your tracks with a video or song from youtube or soundcloud. It then uses the companion chrome extension to download the tracks to your browser directly.
Here is a list of some of the features Stretto has:
- Import your playlists from Spotify
- Syncing libraries between machines
- Automatic lyric fetching for the currently playing song
- Music discovery through iTunes/Spotify top charts
- Search iTunes and add tracks to library seamlessly
- Multiple themes available
- Android Support via Kiwi Browser (see below)
- Completely free!
Android App
Since Stretto works as a progressive web app, you can use Kiwi browser on Android to use it on mobile. More information here:
Developer Instructions
Setup a .env file to setup your environment variables:
Running in Docker + Docker Compose
That’s it! Go to http://localhost:3000
Without Docker
You’ll need:
- Node.js 12
- Mongodb running
Add your MONGO_URL settings to your environment variables, then execute
npm run dev