cs2-css-flashlight – Flashlight: A Counter-Strike 2 plugin a
Flashlight Flashlight is a plugin for Counter-Strike 2 that adds a flashlight feature for players. It is written in…
Games Servers
Flashlight Flashlight is a plugin for Counter-Strike 2 that adds a flashlight feature for players. It is written in…
ZombieSharp This project is linux focusing as Windows has a lot issues with Virtual Functions. However, if Windows issue is…
CS2-RecordAbuse Description Allows admins to record demo with command Requirments CounterStrikeSharp tested on v126 Commands css_record <start/stop/status> Demos localization counterstrikesharp/plugins/CS2-RecordAbuse/demos
NameChecker A plugin for automatically checking player nicknames for forbidden words. Features Kick a player if there are forbidden words…
CS2 AntiVPN & Country blocker An Anti-VPN & Country Blocker plugin for CounterStrikeSharp. It is also possible to set up…
Simple Discord Report Plugin Simply it will send message to discord web hook whatever the player types Example Usage !report…
cs2-VIPCore If you find an error or anything else. Please message me in discord: thesamefabius Installation Install CounterStrike Sharp, Metamod:Source…
Language manager with Geo location CS2 Plugin Language managin Plugin for CounterStrikeSharp. Uses a Geo Country DB to match ip…
Deathmatch + MutliCFG plugin is a game mode where players respawn immediately after being killed, allowing them to practice shooting…
CS2 Retakes CS2 implementation of retakes written in C# for CounterStrikeSharp. Based on the version for CS:GO by Splewis. Share…