Home » PluginsCommandsBlocker – Prevents players from using command

PluginsCommandsBlocker – Prevents players from using command

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[Plugin Commands Blocker]


With the Plugin Commands Blocker plugin installed, and running on your server.
Players will no longer be able to use commands in their player console in order to acquire information regarding your server’s metamod or sourcemod version, nor the loaded plugins and modules.
Nor will administrators with the generic administrator access flag be able to view a list of your server’s CounterStrikeSharp plugins.
Only administrators with the Root permission will be able to do this.


I am aware that this is a controversial type of plugin, and many may dislike the features that it provides. Personally, I am not partial for, nor against it.
But unlike other versions that I have seen in the past, this plugin will not send insults or treat the client in a hostile fashion.
This plugin is bound to be created, by somebody eventually, and by creating this myself I hope to at least provide a more civilized solution.


In order for the plugin to work, you must have the following installed:


To install this on your server do the following:
1). Download the contents and open the downloaded zip file.
2). Drag the files within the ‘csgo’ folder into your server’s csgo/ directory.
3). Restart the server.

Known Bugs & Issues

  • None.

Future development plans

  • [ ] Fix any bugs/issues that get reported.

Bug Reports, Problems & Help

This plugin has been tested and used on a server, there should be no bugs or issues aside from the known ones found here.
Should you run into a bug that isn’t listed here, then please report it by creating an issue here on GitHub.

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