Home » NightVip – Base Vip func but in NightTime

NightVip – Base Vip func but in NightTime

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Plugin gives player basic VIP privileges, but for a certain period of time.
The following are currently available:

  • Health
  • Armor + Helmet
  • Money
  • Gravity
  • Bhop
  • Give weapons
  • HealthShot
  • ClanTag in scoreboard



    "PluginStartTime": "20:00:00",        // time until 24h | format HH:mm:ss
    "PluginEndTime": "06:00:00",          // time after 24h | format HH:mm:ss
    "AutoGiveVip": true,                  // Auto give vip to player
    "EnableAutoBhop": true                // Enable auto Bhop?
    "GiveHealthShot": true,               // Give healthshot?
    "GivePlayerWeapons": true,            // Give weapons to player in list?
    "UseScoreBoardTag": true,             // Use tag in "TAB" ?
    "ScoreBoardTag": "[NightVip]",        // Tag name
    "DisableVipRounds": "1,13",           // Disable vip in "X" rounds (1,2,3 ...)
    "Health": 100,                        // Amount health
    "Armor": 100,                         // Amount armor
    "Money": 16000,                       // Amount money (on spawn)
    "Gravity": 1,                         // Player gravity (default: 1.0 | custome: 0.7, 0.3 ...)
    "WeaponsList": [                      // Weapons list (weapon_nameweapon) 
      "weapon_ak47",                      // ak47
      "weapon_deagle"                     // desert eagle
    "ConfigVersion": 1                    // don`t touch it

    Follow the data entry formats from the config example.



    To do list

  • [x] Issuance of weapons (specify which one)
  • [x] Bunnyhop
  • [x] Auto give vip
  • [x] Disable vip in “X” round
  • [ ] Jump count
  • [ ] Fix weapon(when drop on ground. Its ready +-50%)


    The plugin has not been tested properly due to the lack of a large number of people. If you find any bugs or errors please let me know. Thank you.


    If you have a desire or want to support me, you can buy me tea)


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