Home » CS2-Tags – Add player tags easily in cs2 game

CS2-Tags – Add player tags easily in cs2 game

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Adds tags to the server that can be easily edited, tags can be assigned via permission or steamid64


  • css_tags_reload – Reload tags config


  "tags": {
    "#css/admin": { // Group 
      "prefix": "{GREEN}[ADMIN]", // Chat prefix
      "nick_color": "{RED}", // Nick color
      "message_color": "{GOLD}", // Message nick color
      "scoreboard": "[ADMIN]" // Scoreboard tag
    "@css/chat": { // Permission 
      "prefix": "{GREEN}[ADMIN]", // Chat prefix
      "nick_color": "{RED}", // Nick color
      "message_color": "{GOLD}", // Message nick color
      "scoreboard": "[ADMIN]" // Scoreboard tag
    "76561198202892670": { // SteamID64
      "prefix": "{GREEN}[ADMIN]",
      "nick_color": "{RED}",
      "message_color": "{GOLD}",
      "scoreboard": "[ADMIN]"
    "everyone": { // Tag for everyone, bots excluded
      "prefix": "",
      "nick_color": "",
      "message_color": "",
      "scoreboard": "[Player]"

In addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CS2-Tags/tags.json


CounterStrikeSharp tested on v142


        public static char Default = 'x01';
        public static char White = 'x01';
        public static char Darkred = 'x02';
        public static char Green = 'x04';
        public static char LightYellow = 'x03';
        public static char LightBlue = 'x03';
        public static char Olive = 'x05';
        public static char Lime = 'x06';
        public static char Red = 'x07';
        public static char Purple = 'x03';
        public static char Grey = 'x08';
        public static char Yellow = 'x09';
        public static char Gold = 'x10';
        public static char Silver = 'x0A';
        public static char Blue = 'x0B';
        public static char DarkBlue = 'x0C';
        public static char BlueGrey = 'x0D';
        public static char Magenta = 'x0E';
        public static char LightRed = 'x0F';

{TEAMCOLOR} - Team color
Use color name for e.g. {LightRed}


  • Thinking about better fix for commands handling
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