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cs2-spawntools –

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Spawn Tools


This plugin allows you to dynamically create spawns per map for maps that don’t have enough spawns built into it.
All map config files will be in addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/spawntools


Command Parameter Description Permissions
css_addspawn <t/ct/both> Adds a spawn at your current position and rotation for the given team or teams. @spawntools/add


  • Navigate to releases and download the latest stable
  • Extract the zip file to game/csgo and it will install to the correct paths
  • Give the admins you want to have access the permission @spawntools/add

Future Plans

[ ] Ability to remove custom spawns

[ ] Show current spawns and added spawns

[ ] Ability to remove all default spawns


Initital plugin release

Fixed an issue with creating T spawns

Added ability to delete default spawnpoints.
Download / Go to latest repository

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