Home » CS2-PlayersBet –

CS2-PlayersBet –

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CSSharp plugin to allow players to bet on the next winning team.


  • Requires CSSharp and metamod installed on your server
  • Download the latest release from the releases page
  • Extract the zip file to your csgo folder
  • Execute css_plugins list on your server to check the install
  • You might have to css_plugins load PlayersBet on the first install (or restart the server)


  • Type !bet or /bet to invoke the command
  • Usage is: !bet <ct|t> <all|half|amount>

    team must be ct or t
    amount can be all for all you money, half for half your money or any number between 0 and your current amount of money.

  • You can not bet if all players of a team are dead.


  • Bet earnings are calculated as such:

    4 CTs vs 2 Ts
    you have $5,000
    !bet t all
    You bet $5,000 on the Terrorists, if they win, you win your bet * (4 / 2) = $10,000
    You also get back your bet => $5,000
    You have $15,000 on the next round.

Known issues:

  • CSSharp is working on UserMessages, in the meantime, I can not refresh the money displayed in the HUD

  • CSSharp has an issue causing some event not to be triggered until a hot-reload has been done

    Run css_plugins reload PlayerBet to fix the issue

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