Home » cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ – Kill Sound HeadShot BodyShot Qu

cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ – Kill Sound HeadShot BodyShot Qu

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[CS2] Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ (1.1.1)

Kill Sound ( Kill , HeadShot , Quake )

.:[ Dependencies ]:.

Metamod:Source (2.x)




.:[ Configuration ]:.

[!CAUTION] Config Located In ..addonscounterstrikesharppluginsKill-Sound-GoldKingZconfigconfig.json

[!NOTE] To Use Modify Version And Lower Volume
Download https://github.com/Source2ZE/MultiAddonManager With Gold KingZ WorkShop
mm_extra_addons 3230015783
OtherWise Use Normal Sounds https://github.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/blob/main/sounds/sounds.txt

  //Enable Kill_Settings.json?
  "KS_EnableQuakeSounds": false,

  //If KS_EnableQuakeSounds Enabled Do You Like To Disable Quake Sounds On WarmUp?
  "KS_DisableQuakeSoundsOnWarmUp": true,

  //If KS_EnableQuakeSounds Do You Like To Reset Kill Streaks On Every Round?
  "KS_ResetKillStreakOnEveryRound": true,

  //Enable MySql MySql_Settings.json?
  "KS_UseMySql": false,

  //Do You Like To Add Freeze On Open Menu Option In The Menu?
  "KS_AddMenu_FreezeOnOpenMenu": true,

  //Do You Like To Add Sound HeadShot Kill Option In The Menu? (To Disable Make It Empty Like This "")
  "KS_AddMenu_HeadShotKillSoundPath": "sounds/GoldKingZ/Training/bell_normal.vsnd_c",

  //Do You Like To Add Sound BodyShot Kill Option In The Menu? (To Disable Make It Empty Like This "")
  "KS_AddMenu_BodyKillSoundPath": "sounds/GoldKingZ/Training/timer_bell.vsnd_c",

  //Do You Like To Add Sound HeadShot Hit Option In The Menu? (To Disable Make It Empty Like This "")
  "KS_AddMenu_HeadShotHitSoundPath": "sounds/GoldKingZ/Training/bell_impact.vsnd_c",

  //Do You Like To Add Sound BodyShot Hit Option In The Menu? (To Disable Make It Empty Like This "")
  "KS_AddMenu_BodyHitSoundPath": "sounds/GoldKingZ/Training/timer_bell.vsnd_c",

  //Do You Like To Add Quake Sounds Toggle Option In The Menu?
  "KS_AddMenu_QuakeSoundsToggle": true,

  //Do You Like To Add Quake Center Message Toggle Option In The Menu?
  "KS_AddMenu_QuakeCenterMessageToggle": true,

  //Do You Like To Add Quake Chat Message Toggle Option In The Menu?
  "KS_AddMenu_QuakeChatMessageToggle": true,

  //Default Value Of FreezeOnOpenMenu
  "KS_DefaultValue_FreezeOnOpenMenu": true,

  //Default Value Of HeadShotKillSound
  "KS_DefaultValue_HeadShotKillSound": true,

  //Default Value Of BodyKillSound
  "KS_DefaultValue_BodyKillSound": false,

  //Default Value Of HeadShotHitSound
  "KS_DefaultValue_HeadShotHitSound": false,

  //Default Value Of BodyHitSound
  "KS_DefaultValue_BodyHitSound": false,

  //Commands In Game To Open Sound Menu
  "KS_InGameMenu": "!soundmenu,!soundsmenu,!menusound,!menusounds",

  //Only Allow These Groups To Have Access To KS_InGameMenu (Making Empty "" Means Everyone Has Access) [ex of groups: "@css/root,@css/admin,#css/admin"]
  "KS_OnlyAllowTheseGroupsToToggle": "",

  //Auto Delete Inactive Players Cookies Older Than X Days plugins/Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/Cookies/Kill_Sound_Cookies.json
  "KS_AutoRemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays": 7,

.:[ Configuration Quake ]:.

[!CAUTION] Config Located In ..addonscounterstrikesharppluginsKill-Sound-GoldKingZconfigKill_Settings.json

[!NOTE] To Use These You Need To Enable KS_EnableQuakeSounds First In config.json
Then Download https://github.com/Source2ZE/MultiAddonManager With Gold KingZ WorkShop
mm_extra_addons 3230015783
You Can Find WorkShop Path Sound In https://github.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/blob/main/sounds/Gold%20KingZ%20WorkShop%20Sounds.txt

    Available Sounds [ "HeadShot" , "Kill" , "KnifeKill" , "TaserKill" , "GrenadeKill" , "MollyKill" , "SelfKill" , "TeamKill" , "FirstBlood" , "RoundPrepare" , "RoundStart" ]

    HeadShot Can Be Used 
    HeadShot = Will Start Sound Loop On Every HeadShot Kill
    HeadShot_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X HeadShot Kill

    Kill Can Be Used 
    Kill = Will Start Sound Loop On Every Normal Kill
    Kill_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X Normal Kill

    KnifeKill Can Be Used 
    KnifeKill = Will Start Sound Loop On Every Knife Kill
    KnifeKill_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X Knife Kill

    TaserKill Can Be Used 
    TaserKill = Will Start Sound Loop On Every Taser Kill
    TaserKill_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X Taser Kill

    GrenadeKill Can Be Used 
    GrenadeKill = Will Start Sound Loop On Every Grenade Kill
    GrenadeKill_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X Grenade Kill

    MollyKill Can Be Used 
    MollyKill = Will Start Sound Loop On Every Molotov Kill
    MollyKill_X = Will Start Sound Depend Kill X Molotov Kill

"Announcement": These Only Can Be Controlled On/Off [ "HeadShot" , "Kill" , "KnifeKill" , "TaserKill" , "GrenadeKill" , "MollyKill" , "SelfKill" , "TeamKill" , "FirstBlood" ]

You Cannot Control ["RoundPrepare" , "RoundStart" ] Becasue Its Already Announce You Cant Turn It Off

.:[ Language ]:.

    //        Colors
    //{Yellow} {Gold} {Silver} {Blue} {DarkBlue} {BlueGrey} {Magenta} {LightRed}
    //{LightBlue} {Olive} {Lime} {Red} {Purple} {Grey}
    //{Default} {White} {Darkred} {Green} {LightYellow}
    //        Other
    //<br> = Next Line On Center Hud 
    //{nextline} = Print On Next Line

    "player.not.allowed": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {darkred}Toggle Sounds Menu Is For {lime}VIPS {darkred}Only",

    "player.toggle.freeze.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Freeze On Menu Open Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.freeze.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Freeze On Menu Open Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.bodykill.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Body Kill Sound Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.bodykill.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Body Kill Sound Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.bodyhit.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Body Hit Sound Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.bodyhit.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Body Hit Sound Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.headshotkill.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}HeadShot Kill Sound Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.headshotkill.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}HeadShot Kill Sound Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.headshothit.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}HeadShot Hit Sound Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.headshothit.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}HeadShot Hit Sound Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.quake.sounds.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Sounds Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.quake.sounds.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Sounds Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.quake.center.message.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Center Messages Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.quake.center.message.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Center Messages Is {darkred}Off",

    "player.toggle.quake.chat.message.on": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Chat Messages Is {lime}On",
    "player.toggle.quake.chat.message.off": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Quake Chat Messages Is {darkred}Off",


    "chat.announce.quake.headshot.streak.5": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}IS HEAD HUNTER!!! Got {yellow}{1} {grey}HeadShot Streak!",
    "center.announce.quake.headshot.streak.5": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>IS HEAD HUNTER!!! Got <font color='yellow'>{1} <font color='white'>HeadShot Streak! </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.4": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.4": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.6": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Rampage  {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.6": "<font color='red'>Rampage <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.8": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Killing Spree {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.8": "<font color='red'>Killing Spree <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.10": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Monster Kill {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.10": "<font color='red'>Monster Kill <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.14": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Unstoppable ! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.14": "<font color='red'>Unstoppable! <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.16": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Ultrakill ! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.16": "<font color='red'>Ultrakill! <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.18": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Godlike !!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.18": "<font color='red'>Godlike!!! <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.20": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}WickedSick !!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.20": "<font color='red'>WickedSick !!! <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.24": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}Ludicrous Kill !!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.24": "<font color='red'>Ludicrous Kill !!! <br><font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.kill.streak.26": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}-------------------------------{nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {blue}H {red}O {yellow}L {purple}Y {lime}S {darkred}H {darkblue}I {gold}T {blue}!!!!!!!!!!{nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}On Kill Streak {yellow}{1}{nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {red}-------------------------------",
    "center.announce.quake.kill.streak.26": "<font color='red'>-------------------------------<br><font color='blue'>H <font color='red'>O <font color='yellow'>L <font color='pink'>Y <font color='lime'>S <font color='darkred'>H <font color='darkblue'>I <font color='gold'>T <font color='blue'>!!!!!!!!!!<br>{green} <font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>On Kill Streak <font color='yellow'>{1}<br><font color='red'>------------------------------- </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.knife": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| HAHAHA {purple}{0} {grey} Knifed {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.knife": "<font color='white'> H A H A H A <br> <font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Knifed  <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.taser": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| HAHAHA {purple}{0} {grey} Zeused {yellow}{1}",
    "center.announce.quake.taser": "<font color='white'> H A H A H A <br> <font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Zeused  <font color='yellow'>{1} </font>",

    "chat.quake.grenade": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Nice! Grenade Kill, You Killed {yellow}{0}",

    "chat.quake.molly": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Nice! molotov Kill, You Killed {yellow}{0}",

    "chat.announce.quake.selfkill": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {grey}Killed Himself",

    "chat.announce.quake.teamkill": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{0} {darkred}TeamKill {yellow}{1}",

    "chat.announce.quake.firstblood": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {BlueGrey}FirstBlood !!!  {purple}{0} {purple} Killed {yellow}{1}",

    "chat.announce.quake.roundprepare": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {grey}Prepare To Fight...",
    "center.announce.quake.roundprepare": "<font color='yellow'>Prepare To Fight <font color='darkred'>... </font>",

    "chat.announce.quake.roundstart": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lime}Round Start !",
    "center.announce.quake.roundstart": "<font color='green'>Round Start <font color='lime'>!!! </font>",


    "menu.item.freeze": "Freeze Open Menu",
    "menu.item.bodyhit": "Body Hit Sound",
    "menu.item.bodykill": "Body Kill Sound",
    "menu.item.headshothit": "HeadShot Hit Sound",
    "menu.item.headshotkill": "HeadShot Kill Sound",
    "menu.item.quake.sounds": "Quake Sounds",
    "menu.item.quake.center.messages": "Quake Center Message",
    "menu.item.quake.chat.messages": "Quake Chat Message",
    "menu.left.image": "<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/left.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/left.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a>",
    "menu.right.image": "<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/right.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/right.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a>",
    "menu.more.down": "<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a> <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a> <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/arrow.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a>",
    "menu.bottom": "           <font color='cyan'>[ WASD - To Native ]</font> <br><font color='purple'>[ <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/tab.gif" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oqyh/cs2-Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/main/Resources/tab.gif" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /></a> - To Exit ]<br>"

.:[ Change Log ]:.

-Support FFA DM 

-Fix Toggle Crossing Each Attackers
-Changing Config.json Names DefaultValue To KS_DefaultValue_
-Added Mysql KS_UseMySql

-Fix Toggle On Cookies

-Added KS_AutoRemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays
Auto Delete Inactive Players Cookies Older Than X Days plugins/Kill-Sound-GoldKingZ/Cookies/Kill_Sound_Cookies.json

-Fix Some Bugs
-Rework Menu Expose Toggle On / Off Without Hover Over
-Fixed Fly Bug (Turn On Freeze While Jump)  
-Added KS_ResetKillStreakOnEveryRound
-Added KS_AddMenu_FreezeOnOpenMenu 
-Added KS_AddMenu_QuakeSoundsToggle 
-Added KS_AddMenu_QuakeCenterMessageToggle 
-Added KS_AddMenu_QuakeChatMessageToggle 
-Added Quake In Menu

-Upgrade Net.7 To Net.8
-Fix RoundPrepare, RoundStart Bug
-Added Menu For Hit Sounds "KS_InGameMenu"
-Added Flag For KS_InGameMenu "KS_OnlyAllowTheseGroupsToToggle"
-Added Quake [ "TaserKill" ]
-Added Better Control On Text in "Kill_Settings.json"

-Rework Kill Sound Plugin
-Disable Menu (Temp)
-Disable Toggle (Temp)
-Added Quake [ "HeadShot" , "Kill" , "KnifeKill" , "GrenadeKill" , "MollyKill" , "SelfKill" , "TeamKill" , "FirstBlood" , "RoundPrepare" , "RoundStart" ]

-Rework Menu (SoundDisableCommandsMenu)

-Fix Null

-Fix Sounds On Teammate

-Added HeadShotKillSoundPath
-Added BodyKillSoundPath
-Added HeadShotHitSoundPath
-Added BodyHitSoundPath
-Added SoundDisableCommandsMenu
-Added SoundDisableCommands
-Added RemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays

-Initial Release

.:[ Donation ]:.

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee 🙂

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