Home » CS2-AutoBalancePlugin – Auto Balance Plugin for CS2 using Co

CS2-AutoBalancePlugin – Auto Balance Plugin for CS2 using Co

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Auto Balance Plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp

How to change the config file

1 – Run the server with the plugin, it will auto-generate a config.
2 – Open addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/AutoBalancePlugin/AutoBalancePlugin.json
3 – Change it however you want.

Available modes

Currently there is two balancing modes, they are:

  • Default mode: grabs the team with the most players and change them to the other team
  • Scramble mode: every player is randomly put in some team, while still auto-balancing, good for retake servers and so on.

Changing modes

1 – Open the config file.
2 – Change the variable “ScrambleMode” to 0 for default mode or 1 for scramble mode.

Changing default message (colors and formatting)

1 – Open the config file.
2 – To change colors, change the variable “AutoBalanceMessage” as you like, here’s the available color codes:

  • {WHITE}
  • {GREEN}
  • {OLIVE}
  • {LIME}
  • {RED}
  • {PURPLE}
  • {GREY}
  • {YELLOW}
  • {GOLD}
  • {SILVER}
  • {BLUE}
    OBS: {_playerName} and {_switchedTeam} are the variables for detecting the player name and team it was switched to, you can remove if you wan’t.

Available Configurations

  "ScrambleMode": false, // Setting that to true will make teams scramble upon auto-balance, good for retake servers
  "KillPlayerOnSwitch": false, // Setting that to true will make player get killed when being switched
  "BalanceOnRoundStart": false, // Setting that to true will make the auto-balance happen upon round start (default: on round end)
  "BalanceBots": true, // Setting that to false will prevent bots from being accounted into the auto-balance
  "MaximumAllowedDifference": 1 // Maximum players difference for the auto-balance to start working
  "AutoBalanceMessage": " {GOLD}● [Auto Balance] {DEFAULT} -> {DEFAULT}Switched {GOLD}{_playerName} {DEFAULT}to {RED}{_switchedTeam}", // The message that will be displayed when a player is auto-balanced
  "ConfigVersion": 1 // Config version, don't change


Discord: Gabriel Bigardi#2292
Twitter: @BigardiGabriel
Email: gabrielbigardi@hotmail.com


AutoBalancePlugin is licensed under the MIT license, so you can comfortably use it in commercial applications.

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