CS2_BombsitesRestrict – This plugin restricts the bombsites
Bombsite Restrict is a CS2 plugin that restricts the bombsites of each round if there are less than X players…
Games Servers
Bombsite Restrict is a CS2 plugin that restricts the bombsites of each round if there are less than X players…
CS2-WeaponPurchaseCommand This plugin is based from my SM-Gunmenu except there is only weapon purchase command and no menu. SM-GunMenu: https://github.com/oylsister/SM-GunMenu…
Force-AllTalk A simple port of https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=301977 for CS2 Installation Download latest version here Donwonload Force AllTalk-1.1 if you’re updating the…
deleteBuyZones A simple CSSharp plugin (Compiled using v78) to delete all buyzones for a map. Installation Install Metamod:Source and CounterStrike…
Spawn Tools Description This plugin allows you to dynamically create spawns per map for maps that don’t have enough spawns…
CS2-ChatManager This CSSharp plugin allows managing CS2 chat messages. [!NOTE] The plugin can partially process commands sent to the chat…
Medic Allows you to refill your health. A rewritten version of the plugin for the CS2 game on C# Requirements…
CSS-Regenerate-Health !medic, !heal or !regen to regenerate your health to full Full Health can also be configured in the Plugin…
cs2_chat2vk Компиляция: в папке с проектом: dotnet publish результат в папке: cs2_chat2vkbinDebugnet7.0publish залить на сервер по пути: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/cs2_chat2vk создать конфиг…
[!WARNING] This plugin has been reworked to only support the precaching functionality from a configuration file. ResourcePrecacher This plugin can…