The plug-in compulsorily changes mission on following (according to options). At change of mission players automatically pass to new mission.
It working for all L4D mission (according to options).
Before install [L4D] Force Mission Changer move the NEXTMAP.SMX to the disabled folder.
sm_l4d_fmc_version – Version of L4D Force Mission Changer plugin.
sm_l4d_fmc – Enables Force changelevel when mission end.
sm_l4d_fmc_ifdie – Enables Force changelevel when all player die on final map in coop gamemode.
sm_l4d_fmc_crec – Quantity of events RoundEnd before force of changelevel for versus mode (def – 8. don’t change it!).
sm_l4d_fmc_def – Mission for change by default.
sm_l4d_fmc_chdelayvs – Delay before versus mission change in sec.
sm_l4d_fmc_chdelaycoop – Delay before coop mission change in sec.
sm_l4d_fmc_re_timer_block – time block double event round_end in sec.
sm_l4d_fmc_announce – Enables next mission to advertise to players.
sm_l4d_fmc_dbug – write event log to file
Server commands
sm_l4d_fmc_crec_add – Add custom value sm_l4d_fmc_crec and sm_l4d_fmc_re_timer_block for the specified map. Max 50.
sm_l4d_fmc_crec_clear – Clear all custom value sm_l4d_fmc_crec and sm_l4d_fmc_re_timer_block.
sm_l4d_fmc_crec_list – Show all custom value sm_l4d_fmc_crec and sm_l4d_fmc_re_timer_block.
All variables are appointed in a file .\cfg\sourcemod\sm_l4d_mapchanger.cfg
The cycle of missions is adjusted in a file .\addons\sourcemod\data\sm_l4dvs_mapchanger.t xt and .\addons\sourcemod\data\sm_l4dco_mapchanger.t xt
An example:
"ForceMissionChangerSettings" { "l4d_*current_mission_end_map*" { "next mission map" "l4d_*next_mission_map*" "next mission name" "*Next Mission*" } ... }