Home » CS2-CallAdmin – Full Report system with database support

CS2-CallAdmin – Full Report system with database support

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CS2 CallAdmin

Plugin for CS2 that reports a player on game and send a webhook message to discord.
Admins can handle the report by marking it as handled. (optional)
All reports are stored in the database. (optional)


  1. Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source;
  2. Download CallAdmin;
  3. Unzip the archive and upload it into csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins;


The config is created automatically. (Path: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/CallAdmin)


"Version": 11,
"ServerIpWithPort": "",
"CooldownRefreshCommandSeconds": 30,
"Reasons": [
  "Your Custom Reason{CUSTOMREASON}"
"ReasonsToIgnore": [
"WebHookUrl": "",
"Debug": true = Can report yoursef
"UseCenterHtmlMenu": true,
"Database": {
  "Host": "",
  "Port": 3306,
  "User": "",
  "Password": "",
  "Name": "",
  "Prefix": "call_admin"
"Commands": {
  "Report": {
    "Prefix": [
    "Permission": [],
    "FlagsToIgnore": [], // Not gonna show up on !report
    "CanReportPlayerAlreadyReported": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type": 0 = Don't check; 1 = check victim steamid AND suspect steamid; 2 = check only suspect steamid; 3 = check suspect steamid AND reason; 4 = check victim steamid AND suspect steamid AND reason
      "MaxTimeMinutes": 10
    "MaximumReports": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "PlayerCanReceiveBeforeAction": 4,
      "ActionToDoWhenMaximumLimitReached": 0 = Nothing; 1 = Kick; 2 = Ban
      "IfActionIsBanThenBanForHowManyMinutes": 10; 0 = permanente
      "HowShouldBeChecked": 0 = Default; > 0 = Check for minutes, so if a player has PlayerCanReceiveBeforeAction in HowShouldBeChecked minutes, an ActionToDoWhenMaximumLimitReached will be called
  "ReportHandled": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Prefix": [
    "Permission": [
    "MaxTimeMinutes": 15
  "ReportCanceled": {
    "ByAuthor": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": [
      "MaxTimeMinutes": 5,
      "DeleteOrEditEmbed": 1 = DELETE; 0 = EDIT
    "ByStaff": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": [
      "MaxTimeMinutes": 5,
      "DeleteOrEditEmbed": 1 = DELETE; 0 = EDIT
      "Permission": [


  1. You can edit as you wish.
  2. You can create your own Langs. To do it, just add the lang you want on the embed and on the Langs folder, just as the example below
    "EmbedReport": {
       "Content": "{REPORTHANDLEDPREFIX} {Localizer|Embed.ContentReport}",
       "Embeds": [
           "Title": "{IDENTIFIER}",
           "Color": "16711680",
           "Description": "",
           "Timestamp": "",
           "Author": {
             "Name": "",
             "IconUrl": "",
             "Url": ""
           "Thumbnail": {
             "Url": ""
           "Image": {
             "Url": ""
           "Footer": {
             "Text": "",
             "IconUrl": ""
           "Fields": [
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.AuthorName}",
               "Value": "u0060u0060u0060{AUTHORNAME}u0060u0060u0060",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.AuthorSteamid}",
               "Value": "u0060u0060u0060{AUTHORSTEAMID}u0060u0060u0060",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Profile}",
               "Value": "[{Localizer|Embed.ClickHere}]({AUTHORPROFILE})",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
               "Value": "u200B",
               "Inline": false
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.TargetName}",
               "Value": "u0060u0060u0060{TARGETNAME}u0060u0060u0060",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.TargetSteamid}",
               "Value": "u0060u0060u0060{TARGETSTEAMID}u0060u0060u0060",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Profile}",
               "Value": "[{Localizer|Embed.ClickHere}]({TARGETPROFILE})",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
               "Value": "u200B",
               "Inline": false
               "Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Reason}",
               "Value": "u0060u0060u0060{REASON}u0060u0060u0060",
               "Inline": false
               "Name": "u200B",
               "Value": "{SERVERIP}",
               "Inline": false
               "Name": "u200B",
               "Value": "u200B",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "u200B",
               "Value": "u231A {CURRENTTIME|-3|dd/MM/yyyy} | {CURRENTTIME|-3|HH:mm:ss}",
               "Inline": true
               "Name": "u200B",
               "Value": "u200B",
               "Inline": true


  • report – Reports a Player; (#css/admin group is required for use)
  • report_handled [identifier] – Mark a report as handled; (@css/generic;@css/ban flag is required for use)
  • cancel – Cancel a report; (Must be the owner of the report)
  • report_cancel [identifier] – Mark a report as canceled; (@css/ban flag is required for use)
[!NOTE] To add more command’s name, just separete them with “;” -> report;calladmin


You can choose a translation on the core.json of counterstrikesharp or type !lang lang (Path: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CallAdmin/lang)

  "Prefix": "[{green}CallAdmin{default}]",
  "MissingCommandPermission": "{red}You don't have permission to use this command!",
  "NoPlayersAvailable": "There are no players available",
  "InCoolDown": "You are on a cooldown...wait {0} seconds and try again",
  "ReportSent": "Your report has been sent to the admins!",
  "WebhookError": "There was an error sending the webhook",
  "InsertIntoDatabaseError": "There was an error while inserting into database!",
  "InternalServerError": "There was an internal server error",
  "ReportNotFound": "I couldn't find this report",
  "MarkedAsHandledButNotInDatabase": "This report has been marked as handled on Discord but not in database!",
  "MarkedAsDeletedButNotInDatabase": "This report has been marked as deleted on Discord but not in database!",
  "ReportMarkedAsHandled": "This report has been marked as {green}handled!",
  "ReportMarkedAsDeleted": "This report has been marked as {green}deleted!",
  "PlayerAlreadyReported": "This player has already been {green}reported!",
  "PlayerAlreadyReportedByYourself": "This player has already been {green}reported by yourself!",
  "ReasonToKick": "You have been kicked off the server due to too many reports",
  "ReasonToBan": "You have been banned off the server due to too many reports",
  "CustomReason": "Type the reason for the report",
  "Embed.Title": "Report",
  "Embed.AuthorName": "Author Name",
  "Embed.AuthorSteamid": "Author SteamID",
  "Embed.TargetName": "Suspect Name",
  "Embed.TargetSteamid": "Suspect SteamID",
  "Embed.CanceledBy": "Canceled By",
  "Embed.AdminName": "Admin Name",
  "Embed.AdminSteamid": "Admin SteamID",
  "Embed.Reason": "Reason",
  "Embed.Ip": "Ip",
  "Embed.Map": "Map",
  "Embed.ClickHere": "Click Here",
  "Embed.Profile": "Profile",
  "Embed.Handled": "HANDLED",
  "Embed.Deleted": "DELETED",
  "Embed.ContentReport": "!{0} {1}** in the game to mark this report as handled. -> You can write anything here or leave it blank. Ping a member like this: <@MemberId> or a role: <@&RoleId>",
  "Embed.ContentReportHandled": "Handled by {0}",
  "Menu.ReasonsTitle": "[{green}REPORT{default}] Choose a Reason",
  "Menu.PlayersTitle": "[{green}REPORT{default}] Choose a Player",
  "Report_1": "Hacker",
  "Report_2": "Toxic",
  "Report_3": "Camping",
  "Report_4": "Custom Reason"
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