Home » cs2-Adminchat – a simply plugin that allow admin to chat wit

cs2-Adminchat – a simply plugin that allow admin to chat wit

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AdminChat Plugin for CounterStrikeSharp


AdminChat is a plugin for CounterStrikeSharp, designed to enhance in-game communication for administrators. Developed by Johnoclock and WidovV, this plugin allows server admins to communicate effectively within the game.


  • Admin Chat Toggle: Enables admins to toggle their chat visibility.
  • Team Chat Handling: Special handling for team-specific chat messages.
  • Admin Say Commands: Allows admins to broadcast messages.
  • Disconnection Handling: Automatically resets chat settings when a player disconnects.


  1. Admin Say (css_asay, css_adminsay): Broadcasts a message to all admin Usage: css_adminsay <message>.
  2. Toggle Admin Chat (css_toggleadminsay, css_tasay): Toggles the admin chat functionality on or off for the player.


  1. Load the Plugin: Ensure that the AdminChat.dll file is placed in the appropriate directory for CounterStrikeSharp plugins.
  2. Configure Permissions: Assign @css/chat permissions to users who should have access to admin chat features.
  3. Restart the Server: Once the plugin is in place and configured, restart your CounterStrikeSharp server to activate the plugin.


  • Module Name: AdminChat
  • Version: 0.1
  • Authors: Johnoclock
  • Description: Provides enhanced chat capabilities for server admins.


  • WidovV: For code contributions related to Args.
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