Weapon-Restrict – Weapon restrict CS2 plugin
Weapon Restrict The plugin allows you to restrict the use of certain weapons depending on the players in the teams…
Games Servers
Weapon Restrict The plugin allows you to restrict the use of certain weapons depending on the players in the teams…
CS2-AutoBalancePlugin Auto Balance Plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp How to change the config file 1 – Run the server with…
Cs2Jailbreak WIP Jailbreak plugin for CS2 using counterstrikesharp expect bugs rewrite of CSS plugin https://github.com/destoer/counter_strike_jailbreak admin commands locked under @css/generic…
Deathmatch Plugin Intended use This is built as a team deathmatch plugin, with player configurable loadouts, killstreaks, and a (mid)…
Weapon Restrict The plugin allows you to restrict the use of certain weapons depending on the players in the teams…
CS2_Speedometer Just a speedometer for CS2 Installation Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source Download Speedometer Unzip the archive and upload it…
PugSharp <!– [](https://translate.lan2play.de/engage/netevent-client/) –> Pugsharp is a PUG System Plugin for CS2 based on the awesome CounterStrikeSharp by roflmuffin. Its…
[CS2] AFK Manager A simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2 based on player-checker by sazonische from CS:GO Features: Config File…
This plugin is no longer supported cs2-LiteVIP plugin for cs2 with basic functions VIP If you find an error or…
CounterStrike2 | Damage Informations A CounterStrike2 server extension to display damage informations to center of the screen, console and/or to…